Spaghetti Recipe With Burrata & Veggies
Spaghetti Recipe With Burrata & Veggies

Spaghetti Recipe With Burrata & Veggies

This easy Spaghetti recipe with Burrata has creamy, decadent burrata cheese melted into every bite and is packed with healthy veggies.

Spaghetti Recipe With Burrata & Veggies


This easy Spaghetti with Burrata recipe has creamy, decadent burrata cheese melted into every bite and is packed with healthy veggies with burrata nutrition! And the whole thing only takes 25 minutes to make. You can try more such tasty recipes at the Burrata House.


First, cook the spaghetti. Youll do all the other stuff WHILE the water comes to a boil and the spaghetti is cooking, to save on time. When you cook the spaghetti, make sure you heavily salt the water. This will not only help flavor the pasta, but it will help flavor the sauce, since you will add some of the pasta water in later.

Then, start cooking your vegetables. We I recommend using a HUGE, rimmed skillet for this (I used this one, and it was almost too small) or a larger pot, such as a Dutch oven, for this. You will be doing a lot of stirring and mixing, and its just easier when you dont have to worry about ingredients falling out of the pan.

Heat up some olive oil in the skillet or pot. Then, add the onions. After theyve softened a bit, add the garlic and cook for only about 30 seconds, until it becomes fragrant. Garlic cooks quickly, and its easy to burn (which makes it bitter), which is why you dont add it with the onions in the beginning.

Then, add some zucchini, summer squash, and asparagus. Cook until theyre just beginning to soften, for about 3 minutes or so.

Next comes the cherry tomatoes. Add them to the skillet and cook for a minute or so, until theyre heated up.

This is important: STOP COOKING THE SPAGHETTI just BEFORE it turns al dente. It will finish cooking in the skillet, enhancing the flavor and thickening the sauce.

Now its time to add the spaghetti! Transfer the spaghetti directly from the pot youre cooking it in using tongs to the skillet. I almost never bother with a colander. For one thing, you need that precious pasta water. For another thing, it creates another dish to wash. And the starches from the pasta will cling onto the spaghetti more if you dont drain it (and you need those starches to create a thick, luscious sauce).

Then, add a couple ladles of the pasta water (about 1 cup) to the skillet. The spaghetti will finish cooking in this liquid.

Finally, youâll add some baby spinach, which will wilt from the heat in only a minute or so, some parmesan cheese, which will melt into the sauce, one ball of burrata, torn up directly into the skillet, and some torn fresh basil. Taste it and add some salt and pepper if you need to.

The last step is to top the pasta with MORE torn burrata. The first one will melt into the sauce, but this one will stay more intact, so you get to experience the wonderful texture firsthand a lot of burrata calories in it.

And for some extra-credit: drizzle the whole pot with some more extra-virgin olive oil and a splash of really good, aged balsamic vinegar, plus more basil.