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Lasagna with Burrata and Cherry Tomatoes

Lasagna with Burrata and Cherry Tomatoes

This is a Caprese salad transformed into a lasagna, as a first course meal with a summer flavor. It is a very easy dish to prepare!. You can also serve it to vegetarians who can have cheese in their diet. To obtain a perfect lasagna, you must use a fresh burrata (or as an alternative, tear a mozzarella and mix it with fresh cream). 



  1. Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes in half. 
  2. Cook the garlic until it browns and then remove it from the pan.
  3. Pour the cherry tomatoes in the pan with lots of basil leaves and cook on medium heat. After 40 minutes they will be dried. Turn off the heat, add four to five basil leaves, salt, and white pepper.
  4. While the tomato heats up, drain the burrata and open it.
  5. Spread a little bit of tomato on the bottom of the pan.
  6. Place the first layer of lasagna and season with tomato, burrata, and basil. Complete the layer with 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan.
  7. Make the other 3 layers and finish with tomato, burrata, and parmesan.
  8. Bake at 392 °F until it turns brown.
  9. Let the lasagna sit and serve while hot.

For more recipes, Read Burrata House blogs!




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